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a.m. able about above account accountant across actor add address advertise advertisement advice afraid after afternoon again against age agent ago airplane airport all allow almost along already also although animal announce announcement annual another answer any anyway apartment appear application apply appointment approach April area armchair around arrange arrive art article artist as ask associate assume at attach attendant attention attraction audience aunt automobile avenue away back bad bag baggage ball bank barbershop barely barn baseball basement beach beautiful because become bed beef before begin belong below bench best better between beyond bicycle bill biology birthday bit bite black blue board book bookcase booklet borrow both bottom box break bridge briefcase bring brother brush build building bus business button buy by cafe cafeteria cake call camera camp cancel car card care careful carefully carpenter carry case cash catch CD celebrate cent center chair change charge chart cheap check checkout chicken child Chinese chocolate choose city claim class classical classroom clean cleaner clear clearly clerk client climb clinic clock close clothes clothing cloud cloudy club coast coat code coffee cold college color come comfort comfortable comfortably comfortingly committee community company complete computer concern concert construction contest continue conversation cook cooperation copy corner corporation correct correctly cost council counter country cousin coverage co-worker cream create credit cross crowd cry cup customer cut daily dance dark date day dear December decide decision decisive decorate decoration degree delight deliver delivery demonstration dental depart department departure desk despite destination detail development dictionary difficult digital dining dinner direct direction directly discount dish dishwasher display do doctor document dog dollar |
done door down draw drawing dress drink drive driver dry due during each early earn easy eat eight eighteen eighth election electric electrical electrician else empty end engine engineering English enroll enter entertainment even evening evenly event ever every everyone excite excuse exercise exhaust expect explain extension extra eye face factory fair family famous fare farm fashion fast fat-free father favorite fax feature Feb February feel fence few fifteen fifth fifty fight fill film finally find fine finish first fish five fix flat flavor flight floor flower fluent fly fog follow food foot football for forecast forget form forty-five forward four fourth free French Friday friend from front fruit full furnish furniture gallery game garage garden gate German Germany get girl give glad glass go goal good grandmother grass great grill grocery ground grow guess guest guide gulf gym hair hall hallway hand handlebar happen happily happiness happy hard hardness hat have health hear heat heater heavily heavy help helpfully her here high highly hike hill history hit hobby hold holiday home homework hope horse hot hotel hour house housing how humid hundred husband ice idea identifiable identification identify identity if ill immediately important improve in include industry information instead instruction instructor instrument interest interestingly intermediate international into introduce introduction invitation invite island issue item jacket January jet job join juice July June just keep key kg kilometer kind kitchen know label ladder lag lake lane language large last late later laundry leaf leak lean learn leave left lend length let letter librarian library lid life light like limit line list listing literature |
little live lobby local locate location long look lost lot loud low lucky luggage lunch machine magazine main make man manager manual many March marine mark market marriage marry math mathematics May meal mechanic medicine meet meeting message Mexico midday minister minute miss model Mon. Monday money month monthly mood more morning most mostly mountain move movie Mr. Mrs. Ms. much museum music musical musically musician name national native near nearby nearly need neither network never new news newsletter newspaper next nice night nine no noodle noon not note notice November now number ocean o'clock October of off offer office officer often okay old on once one only open openly orange orchestra order original other out outdoor outside oven over owner p.m. pack package paint painter painting paper parent park partly part-time party passenger patient pay payment pencil people per performance personal Ph.D. phone photocopier photograph piano pick picnic picture pilot pipe place plan plane plant platform play please plumber plus police pool popular position post postpone pot pour practice predict prefer prepare press price prime prize probably problem product professional professor profit profitable program project promise proper protect protection protector publish pudding purchase purpose push put question quickly quiet quietly quite rain rainy rarely rate read ready really reason receipt receive receptionist record recover red reduce reduction register regular relax remain remember remove rent repair replace reply report representative research resident resort respect response rest restaurant resume retire return rice ride right rise road roof room rose round rug run rush sail salad sale sales salesman same Saturday save say |
schedule school science scientist score sea season second see seem sell send serve service set seven several share shelf ship shipment shirt shoe shop shopper short show sick side sign signature since sincerely sing sink sister sit site six sky sleep slightly slip slippery slow slowly slowness small snow snowy so soccer sofa soft some something son soon sorry Spain Spanish speak speaker special specialist specially speech sport stadium staff stair staircase stand start state station stay step stereo stick still stop storage store straight strategy street strong student study style subject subscribe such suitcase Sunday sunny superintendent supermarket support suppose sure sweater swim swimmer system table take talent talk tall taste tax taxi tea teach teacher team telephone television tell teller temperature ten tennis tent tenth textbook than thank that theater then there these think third thirsty thirty this three through throughout throw Thursday ticket time tire tired to today tomato tomorrow tonight too top total touch tour town toy traffic train translator travel traveler treat tree trip trouble truck try Tuesday tuna tune turn twenty-first twenty-nine twice two type umbrella unable under understand uniform unit university unless until unusually up update USA use usual usually vacation vegetable vend very view viewer vision visit wait waitress walk wall wallet want warm wash watch water wave way wear weather wedding Wednesday week weekday weekend welcome well well-known what when where whether which while who whom why wife win wind window windy winter wire wish with woman wonder wonderful wool word work worker workshop world write writer wrong year yellow yes yesterday young zip |
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